Next Steps for On-Campus Undergraduate Students

Congratulations on your acceptance to Truett McConnell University! We are so excited that you will soon be joining the TMU community. Now that you are accepted, you are probably wondering, “What’s next?” The following items will help guide you through the process from now until your arrival on campus.

Step 1: View and Reply to your Application Decision

Once you’ve received your acceptance letter, please log in to your Student Application Portal to view and reply to your Application Decision. Once you accept your application decision, you will submit your enrollment fee. (Link below)

  • Enrollment Deposit The enrollment fee is a $175 non-refundable fee, which secures your space at TMU and is required for placement in campus housing and course registration.
  • Disclosure of Disability Form. This form should be completed by students seeking accommodations granted through the Special Support Services office.  (See Special Support Services for more information).
  • Minimum Computer Standards. Review the minimum computer standards for academic work at TMU.
  • Final transcripts. Upon graduation, accepted high school students must submit a final transcript reflecting your senior year credits, grades, final rank in class, and date of graduation.  Transfer students must submit a final transcript of all work completed at all colleges and universities previously attended.

Step 2: Access TMU Email

In order to access your TMU email account, please click here and follow the directions below:

Your email address is the first initial of your first name, your last name, and the last four digits of the Student ID number, which can be found in your acceptance packet, followed by For example, if John Doe’s Student ID number is 123456789, his email address would be

Your temporary password is the first two initials of your first name and the first two initials of your last name followed by your birthday in the format of MMDDYYYY. Additionally, the first initial of both your first and last name are capitalized. For example, if John Doe was born on January 15, 2001, his temporary password would be JoDo01152001.

Upon accessing your account for the first time, you will be prompted to create a new password.  The new password must be at least 10 characters long and contain both an uppercase letter and a special character.

Step 3:  Apply for Financial Aid

Students applying for Financial Aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The application is available online at When completing the FAFSA, please make sure TMU receives your information by using the school code 001597. The FAFSA can be filed beginning October 1st each year and should be submitted by April 1st for priority consideration.  All other financial aid questions can be directed to the Financial Aid Office at 706-865-2134, ext. 4199. Once all necessary paperwork has been submitted, the Financial Aid Office can send you an estimated award offer.

Step 4: Register for Classes

All new students will have a schedule generated for them by the Registrar’s Office. Schedules are generated after transfer transcripts are evaluated.  Schedules will be emailed to the student’s email address provided on the enrollment application form. Students may contact the Registrar’s Office regarding course schedules or general course information by emailing

Step 5: Take Placement Test*

*Optional – Placement testing is available for students wishing to test into upper-level math courses. This is optional, and not required for any student. For questions regarding placement testing, please email Sarah Newton, at

Step 6: Order Textbooks

Once you receive your course schedule, make sure to order your required books in time to use them the first day of class.

Step 7:  Attend Move-In Day and New Student Orientation