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We offer free coaching by appointment. Coaching is for students who need consistent, targeted spiritual, social, and academic support. Appointments usually last thirty minutes to one-hour and focus on topics such as:
Schedule an appointment with Director of Student Success, Yvette McCrae.
The Office of Student Success offers workshops and individual coaching for students on academic warning and probation in order to help them recover from past academic difficulties, return to good academic standing, and achieve overall success. If the student is on Satisfactory Academic Progress warning, we can help them get back on track by:
At the start and throughout each semester, we ask all faculty and staff to notify the Office of Student Success of those students who are experiencing academic and/or personal challenges or who may be in danger of failing, dropping out or hurting their educational experience by completing a Student Alert Notice. Upon the receipt of such notices, the office makes the determination of what specific set of services or interventions would best work for the student. Often, this involves one-on-one meetings with the student and his/her instructor to discuss methods and strategies for improving the student’s current academic performance. Such recommendations may require partnership with other areas on campus.
Please complete the ALERT FORM to notify the office of Student Success of any students for which you have concern.
Other services to help equip students with the strategies and resources include:
Contact Yvette McCrae regarding any questions or concerns about student success.
Directory card for Joshua Adair .
Directory card for Yvette McCrae.