Truett McConnell University evaluates student achievement as an essential part of its mission and strategic plan. The information provided on this page details the narrative of how TMU implements a comprehensive approach to assess and enhance student achievement. SACSCOC Comprehensive Standard 8.1 highlights this emphasis on the evaluation, enhancement, and support of student learning:

The institution identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution’s mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. The institution uses multiple measures to document student success. (SACSCOC 2018 Principles for Accreditation, Standard 8.1)

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness at Truett McConnell University publishes the following statements of its goals for student achievement and the success of students in achieving those goals.

Key Student Completion Indicator

Truett McConnell University’s graduation rate is 59% according to the 6-year National Student Clearinghouse Total Completion Rate (Fall 2017 Cohort).

2016 KSCI Disaggregated Graphic (Source: NSC Student Tracker)

What is the 5-year KSCI trend?

Fact Books

The Truett McConnell University Fact Book assembles tables of current and historical data for various areas of the University. Its purpose is to serve as a comprehensive reference and planning tool for members of the university community and to provide a single source for many kinds of data and information.

2024-2025 Fact Book