by Abigail Morgan
CLEVELAND, Ga.,(TMNews) – “Christian Studies with a focus in Missions. I’m not sure where the Lord will take me, but I’m willing to go wherever He leads.” This was the answer I received when I asked Mr. Sikes about his major. It set the tone for the rest of the interview. Humble and willing is how I’d describe him as he told me how Jesus is his everything and the reason he lives.
Raised in a Baptist church where his father was the pastor, Sikes was saved at a young age but didn’t take his faith seriously until he went off to basic training. “I wouldn’t have made it through basic training if it hadn’t been for the prayers of those at home,” he said. During that time, Sikes opened his eyes to the truth of God’s word and has been following Christ ever since.
Originally from Jessup, Ga., Sikes had a great job with good benefits and a steady income. He lived a happy life with his wife and their two year old son, but something was missing. He began to feel a call to the ministry and felt like God was leading him to Truett-McConnell. Taking a huge step, he answered the call in faith and quit his job and came to Cleveland. He remembers coming to TMC on one of his first visits and applying for a job in the kitchen. Having nowhere to stay, he ended up spending the night in his truck in the Walmart parking lot.
Although it was a rough beginning, God soon showed up in a mighty way. A friend allowed Sikes and his family to stay at his home and shared about a job opening for a position at a church in Blairsville. Continuing in faith, Sikes interviewed for the job. Within two weeks, word came that he had been hired as the new youth pastor, a job which entitled him a steady salary as well as a parsonage for him and his family. They are now settled and remain excited about how the Lord is providing: “Coming to Truett was a big leap of faith,” Sikes shared. “Being thirty-eight and kind of starting over is very intimidating, but the passion for Christ here at Truett was just contagious and I knew that this was where the Lord wanted me to be for this time.”
As I look back over this interview, I realize that we sometimes hide behind excuses and reasons as to why we can’t follow through with the call God has placed on our lives. It reminded me that God has a purpose in all things. He orchestrates our lives according to His will and if we step out on faith, He will bless the results in His perfect time.
A great verse to end this interview would have to be: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
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