North Georgia College and State University and Truett-McConnell College are pleased to announce a partnership between the two schools of education for the purpose of adding a Post-Baccalaureate Alternative Certification Program on Truett-McConnell’s campus. The year long program is aimed at people who already have a four-year degree, most of whom are currently employed outside of the teaching field or have graduated with a bachelor’s degree in a content area and now wish to become certified as educators.
In partnership with Truett-McConnell College, North Georgia will offer the Post-Bac program on Truett-McConnell’s campus in Cleveland beginning November 18, 2010. Classes will be offered in a hybrid format with online and in class instruction. The hybrid program will be predominantly online, with approximately one meeting in person each month. The Post-Baccalaureate program provides initial teacher certification in a number of areas, including middle grades, secondary and P-12 level subjects.
Barbara Dixon, North Georgia program coordinator, is eager about the opportunities this new merger will provide for students.
“We are finding that many of our Post-Bac students are being employed as teachers, even in these tough economic times. Our students are looked upon favorably across Georgia because they have the skills necessary to go into any classroom as a result of program completion” Dixon states.
Dr. Emir Caner, president, is excited about this new merger stating, “We are thrilled with our partnership with North Georgia, a collaborative effort that will bless students by equipping them to positively impact our communities for Christ through the call of teaching.”
Currently, some 180 students are in various stages of the online program, with approximately 170 located in Georgia. Cohorts begin in July, November, and February each year and are currently offered in Atlanta, Brunswick, Buckhead, Buford, Cumming, Epworth, Gainesville, Gwinnett County, and now in Cleveland.
For more information about the program, contact Barbara Dixon, North Georgia program coordinator, at, visit the North Georgia website at, or the Truett website at
The mission of Truett-McConnell College is to equip students to make a positive impact for Christ through disciplined scholarship and Christian discipleship. For more information about Truett-McConnell College call 706-865-2134 or visit us online at
Written By: Dr. Tammy Mize | Edited By: Vicky Kaniaru
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