“… And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20
A dear friend of mine, who happens to be a Truett McConnell alum, and currently serving in Nairobi, Kenya as a vocational missionary with the International Mission Board (IMB), mentioned something to me earlier in the year that has resonated with me.
She said, “Don’t wait! Please, don’t wait until you’ve graduated to start thinking about and actively participating in your role in the Great Commission. It must start now!”
It important to understand that the ‘Great Commission’ is not simply a church program. It is not just a few verses at the end of the book of Matthew. It is, however, the purpose of every follower of Christ to join God in His heart and in His effort to “form one people from all peoples for His glory and worship.”
This is a purpose that is weaved all throughout the narrative of Scripture as the driving force. This mission is at the very core of who God is. After all, He is the Missionary God! Therefore, it should also be at the center of our Christian worldview.
Now, all of you who read this may not feel a specific call upon your life to serve as a vocational missionary. With that being said, please note that you have not been removed from the command Christ has given you as a believer to make disciples of all nations. Your duty, no matter your passion, vocation, obligation, or season of life, is to be obedient to the Lord.
With that in mind, here are a few ways for you to be involved while at TMU.
1. Pray about who the Lord would have you disciple, and be intentional as you disciple.
In the midst of the mundane, we have a tendency to neglect not only our neighbors next door, but also, we neglect the people living in the same house as us, or in our case, the same dorm. There are people all around us, yes, even on our Christian campus, that need to hear often of God’s heart for them. We must remember that the nature of discipleship is one that involves intentionality, accountability, teachability, and sincerity, but at the end of the day, it’s doing life together. So, seek someone out. Be intentional with them. Teach them what God is teaching you. Learn from them, listen to them, love them, and point them to Christ. God often uses small people and places to accomplish grand things for His kingdom. A movement for Christ can start in your dorm room. There truly is glory in the mundane!
2. Pray about joining, or even starting, a missions and ministry team during your time at TMU.
The missions and ministry teams offered on campus are a great way to get involved in what God is doing in our community for the sake of the gospel. If you are passionate about something, whether it be homelessness, human trafficking, refugees, or children facing the harsh realities of terminal cancer, there is a way to use that passion as a platform for the gospel. By participating in, or even starting your own missions and ministry team, you’ll be able to lead, learn, grow, and be the hands and feet of Jesus among the often-marginalized segments of our society. Jesus modeled this for us by serving, loving, and intentionally pursuing and discipling the least of these.
- Pray about going on a mission trip while at TMU.
Missional transformation occurs when we actively seek to give our lives away to others so that they, too, can follow Jesus. The World Mission Center at TMU offers multiple opportunities throughout the year to travel to various locations, both nationally and internationally, for the sake of the gospel. Just this year, students have traveled to the United Kingdom, South Asia, Boston, Kenya, the Middle East, among other locations. They’ve been able to join in the already present effort of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting among peoples who have never heard the Good News! Through a mission trip, God can teach you how to make friends cross culturally for the sake of the gospel, He can teach you how to effectively share your faith with people from so many different backgrounds, and He will open your eyes to the deep need of lostness all around you.
It is clear that there are many practical ways for you to be a worker in the harvest field of this ‘unfinished task’ during your time at TMU. As an extension of what my friend in Nairobi said– it is not about who you are, or how much you know, or how much time you have. Really, it’s about your willingness to be used by God who is already doing the work.
Take a step of faith, out of your boat, and onto the waves with Jesus. If you claim to be a follower of Christ, there is simply no excuse to not be involved in what God is doing among the nations. After all, we have been commissioned by the Savior Himself! Will you join us?
Rachel Durham is a TMU Global studies major.
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