CARES ACT – Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF I)

Quarterly Reporting for Institutional Funds

Truett McConnell University received a total of $489,215 from the CARES Act Section 18004(a)(1), of which $244,608 was allocated for emergency financial aid grants to students. The remaining $244,607 Institutional Portion was used to reimburse students for Room and Board due to the disruption of the Spring 2020 semester. Additionally, Truett McConnell University received $10,785 under Section 18004(a)(3) “Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)” of the CARES act. This grant was also used to reimburse students for Room and Board due to the disruption of the Spring 2020 semester. The Final Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report relates to the Institutional Portion and FIPSE grants (REVISED Final Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report as of 03/20/2024).

Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students

In compliance with Section 18004(e) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), institutions receiving funds under Section 18004(e) are required to submit an official report to the Secretary of the Department of Education. The required reporting discloses the institution’s use of distributed HEERF funds, and must be posted on the institution’s primary website within 30 days of the receipt of HEERF funds, and must be updated every 45 days thereafter. However, the Department does not expect institutions to report information about a group of 10 or fewer students. If the total number of students who received Emergency Financial Aid Grant is less than 10, then the institution should not display the number of students or the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students on publicly available website(s) controlled by the institution. For more information, please see the Department of Education’s May 6, 2020 electronic announcement.

TMU’s 30-Day HEERF Fund Report (Posted May 27, 2020)

As of May 27, 2020, TMU has not awarded HEERF funds to 10 or more eligible students. However, the Financial Aid Office is working diligently to process information as it is received. Eligible students first received emailed guidance, regarding the CARES Act Grant application process on May 06, 2020. The information provided to students is as follows:

“TMU is currently accepting Applications for CARES Act Relief Grants. Based on rules set forth by the U.S. Department of Education, students must have been enrolled and attending courses on-campus during the Spring 2020 semester, and must be eligible for Title IV aid (Federal financial aid). Additionally, eligible students must have incurred expenses related to COVID-19, and/or the related disruption of on-campus courses during the Spring 2020 semester. COVID-19 related expenses include, but are not limited to, job/income loss, school supply expenses, childcare expenses, living expenses, and related medical expenses.

Grants will be provided to students on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each student’s case will be considered independently, based on the information provided in the Application. The CARES Act Relief Grant Application must be submitted before student grant eligibility will be verified. The TMU Financial Aid Office will contact each applicant with his/her corresponding grant eligibility information, based upon the information submitted in the student’s Application.”

Additional guidance from the Department of Education has become available in the weeks following the May 06, 2020 emailed notification to students. The Department is no longer requiring students to be eligible for Title IV funds, in order to receive a CARES Act Grant. However, international students and students who were fully online for the Spring 2020 semester, are still excluded from CARES Act Grant eligibility.

In accordance with TMU’s emailed student guidance to all eligible students on May 26, 2020, the CARES Act Relief Grant Application deadline is June 10, 2020. Applications will not be accepted after the June 10th deadline. Students will be notified of their funding eligibility, and will receive instructions on receiving his or her funds, shortly following the June 10th deadline. TMU has signed and returned the Certification and Agreement for HEERF funds to the Department, and has received $244,608 in Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds, as of May 27, 2020. CARES Act Relief Grant funding will be distributed equally between all eligible applicants.

TMU’s 45-Day HEERF Fund Report (Posted July 10, 2020)

In compliance with Section 18004(e) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act” or the “Act”), directing institutions receiving funds under Section 18004(e) of the Act to submit a report to the Secretary of the Department of Education.  This required report describes the use of the distributed HEERF funds and must be posted on the institution’s primary website within 30 days of the receipt of HEERF funds (if the institution has distributed HEERF funds to 10 or more students), and must be updated every 45 days thereafter.

  1. An acknowledgement that the institution signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution has used, or intends to use, no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.
    • Truett McConnell University signed and submitted the Certification and Agreement to the Department on April 11, 2020. Truett McConnell University assures that 50% of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act were directly provided to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants.
  2. The total amount of funds that the institution will receive or has received from the Department pursuant to the institution’s Certification and Agreement [for] Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Student.
    • Truett McConnell University received $244,608 in HEERF funding for direct distribution to students in Emergency Financial Aid Grants.
  3. The total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of the date of submission (i.e., as of the 30-day Report and every 45 days thereafter).
    • Through July 10, 2020, Truett McConnell University has distributed $244,608 in Emergency Financial Aid grants to eligible students.
  4. The estimated total number of students at the institution eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
    • Truett McConnell University’s estimates that 612 students, were eligible to apply for an Emergency Financial Aid Grant under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
  5. The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
    • Through July 10, 2020, Truett McConnell University has distributed funds to 165 students.
  6. The method(s) used by the institution to determine which students receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants and how much they would receive under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
    • Truett McConnell University established a required CARES Act Relief Fund Application, which was utilized as a method of confirming student eligibility. The Application was required to be submitted by June 10, 2020. Eligible students must have incurred expenses related to the disruption of on-campus courses during the Spring 2020 semester; related expenses included, but were not limited to, job/income loss, school supply expenses, childcare expenses, living, expenses, and related medical expenses. Grant funds were equally distributed to all eligible applicants, in the amount of $1,482.47. Based on the regulations set forth by the Department, students must have been enrolled, and attending courses on-campus, on or after March 16, 2020. In addition, student populations that were not eligible for funding include: dual enrolled students, transient students, non-degree seeking students, international students, and student ineligible for Title IV aid.
  7. Any instructions, directions, or guidance provided by the institution to students concerning the Emergency Financial Aid Grants.
    • Truett McConnell University sent a personalized Award Notice to all recipients of the funding distribution on June 11, 2020. The letter’s standard wording is as follows:

“Based on all applicable information, you are eligible to receive CARES Act relief funds. In an effort to maximize the relief funds provided to each student, TMU will begin the process of equally distributing CARES Act Relief funds to all eligible students next week. As of June 10, 2020 the CARES Act Relief Fund Application has closed, and no further applications will be accepted. You are eligible to receive $XXXX in CARES Act Relief funds, and can expect a check to be processed and mailed to your primary address on file with the institution during the next two weeks. Based on provisions set forth by the U.S. Department of Education and the IRS, this funding will not be taxable. Please note: If you are unsure if the Business Office has your most current address on file, or if you would like your check to be mailed to a temporary address, please email, NO LATER THAN Tuesday, June 16, 2020. Thank you for your patience throughout this process. If you have any questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office.”