Incoming freshman or transfer students may seek exemption from Secondary Piano or Guitar for the Worship Musician. In order to receive exemption, the student must demonstrate facility at a high skill level in the areas attempted. Placement exams to determine exemption will be given at the beginning of each semester. Information on the exact schedule for exams may be obtained from the School of Music Office. Courses that are exempted will be added to a student’s transcript as “exam credit.”
Secondary Piano. The Secondary Piano Exam will consist of the complete Piano Proficiency. A copy of these requirements can be requested from the Music Office. The student will be asked to play representative examples from each of the skill areas. The student will also be interviewed to determine level of background preparation.
The faculty committee that hears the Secondary Piano Exam will determine whether the student may be exempted from MU 161, MU 162, MU 261, and/or MU 262. If the student is completely proficient in every section of the Exam, he/she will be exempt from all four semesters. If the student needs some leveling work, the committee will determine which classes of the four the student may be exempt from and which will still be required for graduation.
Guitar for the Worship Musician. Students who already possess basic guitar skills necessary for leading worship with guitar can request a proficiency exam in this area. Contact Dr. Becky Lombard (and/or Dennis Allen) for more details.