Truett McConnell University Resident Director (RDs)

TMU RDs are Student Life staff members who live on campus. There is one female RD, and one male RD. Their primary function is to provide direction for student development and academic success by managing the residence halls and coordinating the administrative, supervisory, and programmatic efforts for each residential unit. This is achieved by assisting individuals with their personal needs and concerns, supervising student life staff, and advising student leadership groups.

Truett McConnell University Resident Assistants (RAs)

TMU RAs are live-in leaders, role models, and community builders. As one of the premier student leadership positions on campus, RAs are carefully selected, placed on a staff team, and trained by the Office of Student Life to develop a positive living and learning experience for on-campus residents. College can be a challenging transition for residents, and RAs should be role models and advocates for various campus resources.

Meet our RD/RA Staff:

Otwell Hall

merritt hall

Wood Hall


Cleveland Courts

Heritage Staff

Christian life on campus