Quarantine/COVID-19 Testing: If any member of the campus community (students, faculty or staff) experiences symptoms that warrant a COVID-19 test, or the member chooses to be tested for COVID-19, then he or she will be required to quarantine from home. On-campus students will be provided a temporary (less than 24-hours) safe place to quarantine on campus, if needed, until family can take the student home, if student chooses not to drive themselves. As would be the case in most settings, there will be nuances as to how this process will look for different populations on campus. Employees, per CDC guidelines, will quarantine for 10-days from a positive test or from the onset of symptoms. In order for an employee to return to campus life, he or she will need to be symptom-free for at least 24 hours at the end of the 10-day quarantine. The employee will need to communicate that information with his or her immediate supervisor and the TMU Human Resources Office in order to be cleared to return to work.
For students to return to campus, in addition to the 10-day quarantine period with no symptoms for at least the final 24 hours of that period, they must receive documented medical clearance from a licensed medical physician. Unfortunately, TMU does not have available licensed medical physicians on staff to assist students with this process. We advise medical clearance from a student’s personal physician. Students will not be allowed to return to campus without medical clearance, from a licensed physician, indicating that they are free of any COVID-19 symptoms. At this time, a mandatory negative COVID-19 test will not be required.
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