Cleveland, GA (April 06, 2011) – Faculty, staff and students gathered on March 29 for a dedication prayer ceremony near the construction site of Truett-McConnell College’s new residence hall.Click the photo to watch a video of the dedication
Two floors of the new building are already up, and construction is going as scheduled.
“It’s good to see the construction of the new dorm. I anticipate seeing all the new students who are going to be coming in and all the time they’re going to be spending in their studies and being discipled by others,” said TMC student Mitch Johnson.
During the ceremony, the crowd was given the opportunity to write a Scripture verse and a message on two long plywood boards that will be permanently encased in the lobby of the third floor.
TMC president Dr. Emir Caner was excited to see everyone gather to dedicate this residence hall to the Lord Jesus Christ.
“There are some institutions that are growing, but numbers aren’t the most important thing; the investment in the students is. What we’re doing here today represents that. It is a symbolic measure of who we represent in Christ.” he said.
Caner continued: “As you already know, we have passed the Great Commission minor. We have our four prongs in what makes us Truett-McConnell in the classes every student will take from the fall of 2011 for new students and current students who will choose that option. They’ll choose to love the Lord by taking theology classes, love the Word by taking Bible survey, love the local church by taking a class in Baptist history, and love the lost in that each and every student will either take an evangelism and missions class or will go on a mission trip somewhere across the nation or the world. We pray that whoever stays in this residence hall will walk away from Truett-McConnell far more passionate about the Lord than when they came.”
The excitement of the construction and what is to come is felt throughout the campus. Students and administration alike anticipate the upcoming academic year.
“I’m so excited about the new students that will be coming in and the opportunity we’ll have to be able to just reach the world with the Lord’s love,” said TMC student Hannah Shivar.
Truett-McConnell College equips students to fulfill the Great Commission by fostering a Christian world view through a Biblically-centered liberal arts education. For more information about Truett-McConnell College, visit
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