by Norm Miller
“Fulfill the Great Commission by connecting God’s stewards with God’s resources to enlarge God’s kingdom through investing in our students, faculty, staff and facilities.”
That’s the mission statement of Truett-McConnell College’s Development Office, as devised by Gary Jarnagin, director.
Though TMC’s development office has a broad scope, Director Jarnagin is focused of late on the college’s “Whatever is True” capital campaign for the proposed George Blaurock Student Recreation Center.
In this effort, Jarnagin will rally God’s stewards to gather God’s resources for the sake of God’s kingdom ala Moses in Exodus 25. “Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: ‘Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering. From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall take My offering’” (vv.1-2).
The website dedicated to the capital campaign is one way Truett-McConnell College “speaks” to the Lord’s stewards for his purposes. The “Whatever is True” site seeks to be communicative regarding what God does and intends for the college, and not coercive in its efforts to expand God’s kingdom and the college campus.
As seen in the verse cited above, God loves willing givers. Such is the attitude of God’s true stewards.
Skipping ahead to 1 Kings 6 and the account of King Solomon building the Lord’s temple in Jerusalem, we have God’s promise: “The word of the Lord came to Solomon, saying: ‘Concerning this temple which you are building, if you walk in My statutes, execute My judgments, keep all My commandments, and walk in them, then I will perform My word with you, which I spoke to your father David. And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake My people Israel’” (vv. 11-13).
The spiritual emphases of TMC’s curriculum teach students to know and observe God’s statutes, judgments and commandments. And the rewards include God’s blessings and his presence.
Considering both the tabernacle Moses built and the temple Solomon built, the purposes and promises of God become clear. That which is built cheerfully for his kingdom’s sake reaps multiple blessings from God.
Though there are significant differences between the Lord’s temple and the student recreation center, the Bible speaks of a Christian’s body being the temple of the Lord. What better place is there to show stewardship over our physical lives than in a place where exercise may be gained through so many activities?
The “Rock,” as students already call the recreation center, is not only about physical exercise. The facility will also provide venues for athletic events of good sportsmanship and character building competition.
A commons area will give students a place to gather for fellowship, Bible studies, and worship, too, as these activities reflect school goals and what God desires for his children.
“As much as is possible, we want to bring our goals and aspirations in line with our Lord’s plans and purposes, and not the reverse,” Jarnagin said. “Truett-McConnell College’s leadership – from the president and Board of Trustees, to the staff, faculty and Board of Visitors – we all believe that God is leading us to build the ‘Rock.’ And we believe God will lead his stewards to catch the same vision and conviction.”
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