by Norm Miller
CLEVELAND, Ga., (TMNews) –Truett-McConnell College students, staff and faculty gathered at the proposed site of the school’s new student recreation center for a dedicatory prayer led by Dr. Emir Caner, president.
Dr. Caner stood before a recently erected prayer wall as he gave the crowd a thumbnail sketch of the new center, named in honor of Anabaptist martyr, George Blaurock.
Students already have abbreviated the official name of the center, calling it the “Rock.”
The prayer wall consisted of three panels. The middle panel displayed verbiage about the new center, and the other panels were blank.
But they didn’t stay that way.
Before leading in the dedicatory prayer, Caner told the crowd they were welcome to sign the blank panels, as well as jot a brief prayer or write a favorite Bible verse.
“God, this is your building, your people. This is your campus. So many campuses are walking away from you. We won’t. May this student rec center be a beautiful building where we enjoy everything, but most of all, where we see people saved, and where we see lives changed,” Caner prayed.
Citing honor and dedication to the Lord, Caner asked God that those aspects of the Christian walk would be evident in every life at the college.
“Thank you for what you do on this campus,” he said. “It’s not for us, but for your glory that we do all of this.”
Caner expressed gratitude to God for each student. “Thank you for their sacrifice to come here. Thank you for the call you have put on their lives. Thank you for what you do. In Christ’s name we pray, amen.”
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