Truett McConnell University’s (TMU) Rielin & Salmen School of Nursing (RSSON) is pleased to share their recent grant award in the amount of $100,000 from the Georgia Baptist Healthcare Ministry Foundation.
“It is with gracious appreciation that we recognize the generous grant award that will enable the RSSON to provide exceptional clinical and simulation experiences for our nursing students in the Simulation Education Center,” said Dr. Heather Ayers, Associate Dean of Nursing.
The grant award also enables the School of Nursing to purchase cutting-edge equipment to add to their current Avkin line of equipment, which includes wearable simulation equipment. This equipment allows individuals to participate in a more realistic clinical environment as the nurse or the patient.
This year’s grant funds will be used to provide a pediatric medication and advanced life support cart as well as an adult advanced life support cart. These carts contain the equipment and medications that would be required to treat a patient in the first thirty minutes or so of a medical emergency providing a more complete and more realistic simulation experience. The funds will also purchase another adult mid-fidelity simulator for various courses including a final assignment entitled “Hospital Simulation.”
“The ‘Hospital Simulation’ experience provides the senior nursing students the opportunity for assignment, delegation, and prioritization of nursing care. Simulation also provides the student the opportunity to understand the “patient’s perspective” and will generate more empathetic and compassionate nurses,” said Ayers.
Rex Mobley, CFO & VP of Operations for the Georgia Baptist Healthcare Ministry Foundation, explained that the Foundation’s mission exists to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ by providing grant funds to healthcare ministries based in Georgia.
The organization, which was founded in 1901 as Baptist Tabernacle Infirmary, included a School of Nursing to train future healthcare providers. “As we have subsequently converted to a legacy grant-making foundation, our ministry and mission have never changed,” said Mobley. “Our Board of Trustees recognize the level of excellence provided by the TMU School of Nursing and know that the mission of our organization will be fulfilled through these future healthcare providers. We are honored to be a part of the continued excellence provided by the TMU School of Nursing.”
“These funds will provide exceptional simulation experiences for junior and senior level clinical nursing courses,” added Ayers. “RSSON would be unable to provide such valued equipment and resources to enhance the students’ experiential learning without these generous awards.”
(pictured: John Howard, a member of the Georgia Baptist Healthcare Ministry Foundation and TMU’s Board of Visitors, presents check to President Emir Caner.)
Jenny Gregory is the Digital Content Specialist for TMU’s Marketing and Communications.
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