Truett McConnell University (TMU) alumna Courtney Butler currently serves with the International Mission Board (IMB) in London, England using the degree she earned and skills she acquired at her alma mater.

“Although most of my peers from the education program are teaching in a classroom setting, I’m using my degree in a different way,” said Butler.
The 2020 elementary education graduate is currently working with a team in the Hands-On program of the IMB, which strategizes ways to reach European peoples with the gospel. Through this ministry, Butler had the opportunity to be involved with a children’s ministry for a local church plant in London.
“What I learned at Truett McConnell helped me a lot in the development of this ministry, because strategy and approach was a major focus within the education program,” Butler explained. “Our assignments were often research-based or required us to create things. This made our learning very active and intentional.”
The first-year teacher reflects on the many ways God has enabled her to use this degree in elementary education.
“The faculty at TMU always stressed the importance of flexibility. As a planner, that was not something that came easy to me, but having learned flexibility from my coursework, I’m certainly more prepared for the flexibility I must have in ministry.”
Reminiscing on the undergrad years
Looking back on her four years at Truett McConnell, Butler referred to the mission trips she had experienced through the World Missions Center as playing a key role in her European endeavor.
“The mission trips I went on were instrumental in my life and provided for me a better understanding of missions which ultimately led me to where I am now,” she said.
The missionary also communicates gratitude towards the faculty at TMU, who not only taught her academically, but deeply influenced her life.
“The professors that poured into my life made all the difference in my college experience. Not only were classes taught from a Biblical perspective, but they demonstrated this perspective in their own lives by loving their students in a Christ-like manner above all else.”
“That didn’t go unnoticed by me,” said Butler, “and I will remember the importance to exhibit this manner to my future students.”
Looking ahead
Although Butler isn’t sure what exactly life will look like after serving in London, she rests in knowing that God has already gone before her.
“I have considered the many opportunities offered by my degree,” she said, “but I am entirely dependent on what God wants me to do. I know getting this degree was in His plan and I want to follow His leading for the rest of my life.”
Alexa Miller is a Master of Arts in Theology student and Content Producer for the office of Marketing and Communications.
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