CLEVELAND, Ga. (TMCNews) -– Truett-McConnell College trustees voted to initiate a minor in Great Commission studies during their June meeting. The newly established minor requires all new students to complete 16 hours in biblical, missiological, and theological studies, as well as evangelism and Baptist history.
TMC Trustee Chairman Mike Dorough declared the minor a first in Southern Baptist education. “It was with great enthusiasm and expectation that our trustees approved the required minor for all TMC students regardless of their fields of study. Every graduate will be thoroughly equipped to fulfill the Great Commission in whatever career field God leads them to pursue,” said Dorough, pastor to students at 2nd Baptist Church, Warner Robins.
The minor is designed to provide students with a sound education and prepare them in every aspect of ministry, TMC officials said. “Students can go to many schools and receive a strong liberal arts education. Students can also go to many schools and receive a strong biblical education. At TMC, we are grateful to announce the best of both worlds, the broadest of education,” stated TMC President Emir Caner.
“Truett-McConnell will equip students with the highest caliber education available in their field — whether that is business, science, education, music, Christian studies, or humanities — while also equipping students to love the Lord, love his word, love the local church, and love the lost,” Caner added. “Graduates will be well trained in their field and passionate about their faith.”
Brad Reynolds, vice president for academic services, noted his appreciation for “the hard work” of Michael Justus, Melissa Fortner, Vicki Steele and the entire core committee. “This Great Commission minor is a first in higher-education and continues to distinguish TMC as a leader in biblically centered, liberal arts education,” Reynolds said.
“The implementation of our new Great Commissions Studies minor is a major step in fulfilling God’s purpose for Truett-McConnell,” Justus said.
In other action, trustees adopted a mission statement for the college that states: “Truett-McConnell College equips students to fulfill the Great Commission by fostering a Christian worldview through a biblically centered, liberal arts education.”
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