TMC Center for Health and Wellness
   In December 2006 Truett-McConnell College received notification from the Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation that the college had been approved to receive a grant of $240,000 to establish the TMC Center for Health and Wellness on the campus in Cleveland.  The Ministry Foundation makes grants to assist Georgia communities and residents with worthwhile health care-related programs.

Truett-McConnell’s application states that this is a unique opportunity for the college to make a substantial difference in the lives of many people in Northeast Georgia:  “Recognizing that health and wellness resources play a vital role in the quality of life in any community, Truett-McConnell College proposes the establishment of the TMC Center for Health and Wellness on its campus in Cleveland, Georgia, to benefit the population of White County and the surrounding area.  The purpose of the center is twofold:  (1) to offer health and wellness services to the local communities in the area and to the college population, and (2) to provide the foundation for a new bachelor’s degree at the college in wellness, fitness and health promotion that will prepare a qualified health care workforce in the area.”

An addition to the east side of the gymnasium has been constructed to house the Center, utilizing space that previously housed athletic offices in addition to new space added to that side of the building.  The athletic offices have been moved to the west side of the building into space that was previously occupied by the training room and has undergone renovation.

New training equipment has been purchased and installed to go along with some of the college’s already-existing equipment.

The Center will serve the community during certain hours of the week, yet to be determined.  In addition, the Center will offer scheduled seminars, clinics and related services to the college population as well as the community.

   Even before the building opens, the Center has already sponsored its first two events.  A health fair was held early in the fall of 2007, in which free screening services were offered to the community.  Then in the winter of 2008 a nationally-known health consultant held a seminar over a weekend, talking with community residents about obesity, blood pressure problems, diabetes and a number of health issues.

Believing that individual health and wellness are inextricably linked to the quality of life of any community, Truett-McConnell College expects that the TMC Center for Health and Wellness will promote a healthy lifestyle among residents of White County and the surrounding area, as well as members of the college community, through education and health-related programs.
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