by Jenny Gregory

CLEVELAND, Ga. (TMNews) – At the early age of seven, Christian Studies major, Thomas Shamblin, loved riding motocross in his spare time. It wasn’t until later in his life that He followed God’s calling and used motocross as a way to share Jesus Christ with others.

“I love the adrenaline of it,” Shamblin shared. “The intensity of it all. It’s just been something that I have loved since I was little.”

“I was five when I was saved,” the senior from Blue Ridge, Ga. said. “My parents were having a Bible study at the dining room table…and I accepted Jesus right there. I went through middle school and realized what sin was and how bad I needed Christ in my life. I rededicated my life then.”

Following the track to Truett-McConnell

After graduating high school, Shamblin knew he wanted to get his education from a Christian college. “A friend of mine went here [TMC] and said it was a great school and Christ centered. So I said, ‘that sounds great!'”

Immediately after moving to the TMC campus, Shamblin went full force into his motocross ministry. “I was playing JV basketball,” Shamblin shared. “They had to cut the season short and I took that time and prayed about it and got this idea of starting a motocross ministry because it’s something I have always wanted to do and have the heart for.”

“I love to see the hardened, rough people give their hearts to the Lord,” Shamblin explained.

Shamblin knew that this ministry could be big, but didn’t know where to begin. He decided to write up a proposal on his plans and submit it to Truett-McConnell President, Dr. Emir Caner.

“I honestly thought it was a crazy idea and didn’t think anything would come out of it,” Shamblin said, as he reflected on that meeting. “Dr. Caner listened and told me he wanted to pray and meet with the cabinet and would get back with me.”

Shamblin was ecstatic when he received the news a couple weeks later that his college would not only support his efforts, but give him a complete scholarship to start his mission field on the track.

A racing partnership

“My first event was at Fannin county MX,” Shamblin said. “I asked the track owner if we could have a Bible study before the races.” With hesitation, the owner eventually agreed and Shamblin was able to start the race with a short devotion and prayer.

“I was scared to death,” Shamblin said as he smiled. “I did the Bible study and had 14 people at the first event which was the beginning to many opportunities at other events.”

Shamblin shared how at times he “wasn’t sure where he would get the funding to provide for [his] next event.” He began to send out letters asking for prayer and monetary support.

“At one race, we committed to it but I was low on money,” he recalled. “We did the Bible study and the track owner gave me a $100 bill and thanked us for what we were doing. At the same race, a friend gave me another $60.”

“I was like wow, Lord. Thank you!” Shamblin said as he revealed how the Lord continued to provide for this ministry.

He continued to follow God’s will and was provided with an even bigger opportunity and partnership. “I found my way on FCA’s [Fellowship of Christian Athletes] website and [realized] they needed 11 new people to help with Motocross FCA.”

Reaching out to the team, he told them about his heart for the Lord. Following a contact from the National Director, he was told that they were in need of someone in the Georgia area.

After planning and meeting with the team, Shamblin shared about his first race partnered with FCA in March: “We had a great outcome and during practice one of the guys got hurt and I was able to pray with him in the ambulance.”

“That opened my eyes that I knew I needed to be doing this,” Shamblin expressed. “I knew this is where God wanted me.”

“At each race, I pass out tracts, answer questions, tell them about Truett-McConnell and racing motocross with the college and share a devotion right before the race.”

“To see people come to know the Lord at these races is amazing, he expressed. “I have also had the opportunity to lead two motocross friends to the Lord, which was life-changing.”

The number 33 biker also spends time riding on the track at each event. “I love decking my bike
out with TMC decals so I can share about what this school has done for me.”

Racing to the future

Shamblin shares his excitement about what this ministry continues to do. “I still get nervous but to see over 100 people come and listen to me share about the Lord is overwhelming.”

Excited about the future, he shared his post-graduation plans saying: “I have a full-time
job as Regional Rep with FCA. This will give me the opportunity to train others on track side

While God continues to open doors and events for Shamblin adds: “I am grateful for Dr. Caner and TMC for investing in my life and taking a chance and supporting me. For FCA for getting me involved in Georgia and to my family for all their help.”

To learn more about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Motocross Ministry, visit:


Jenny Gregory is Content Manager for Truett-McConnell College.

Photo/Sean McCane, TMC Videographer

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