Tyndale Theological Seminary near Amsterdam in the Netherlands became an extension of the ministry and teaching of Truett-McConnell College as Assistant Professor of Christian Studies, Dr. Larry McDonald, taught there during TMC’s January 2007 class break. Through a graduate level course entitled Spiritual Leadership Development, Dr. McDonald enjoyed teaching students working toward degrees intended for Christian ministry and service throughout the world.
“Tyndale Seminary’s diverse student population from countries such as South Africa, Ghana, Cameroon, India, Burma, China, Russia, the Ukraine, and the Netherlands is part of what gives Tyndale a cutting edge in preparing the next generations’ Christian leaders,” states McDonald. “The students I encountered at Tyndale are hungry to know and to spend their lives sharing God’s truth in this world.”

Located in the small, friendly town of Badhoevedorp, Tyndale Seminary offers a quiet place away from the hustle of the world to contemplate and meditate in God’s presence, yet strategically located within walking distance of the outer limits of Amsterdam. Tyndale Seminary is also a place to share God’s hope in a city where millions from every corner of the globe are attracted either because of its rich cultural history or by its loose restraints against soft drugs and prostitution.
Begun by two Wheaton College graduates, Bob Evans and Art Johnston, Tyndale Seminary is also supported by Dr. Billy Graham. Its goal is to “extend the cause of world evangelization through training Europeans, primarily, and others, mainly from nations outside of North America, for pastoral, missiological, and theological ministries.”
The International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention cites that fewer than one percent of the people in Central and Eastern Europe have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The IMB’s web site goes on to state of this area that “a cavernous void exists in the very soul of the people that longs to be filled—a void left by an atheistic system that imprisoned its inhabitants in demeaning commonality.”
Of western Europe the IMB states that most people are closed and do not open up freely regarding spiritual matters. It cites humanistic education, a dependence on material comfort, and pagan traditions as satanic strongholds on the hearts and minds of many western European people.
“There can be no doubt that much of Europe is veiled underneath a cloak of spiritual darkness,” says Dr. McDonald. “In view of Christ’s imminent return to this earth, it becomes ever more urgent that we support institutions like Tyndale Theological Seminary, out of which God’s light is shining.”
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