by Charissa Veal
CLEVELAND, Ga., (TMNews) –Dr. Robby Foster, the Senior Pastor of Northside Baptist Church in Valdosta, Ga., and a Truett-McConnell College trustee member, called students to recognize and defend the cause of Christ in an October 16th chapel service.
Foster referenced David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 to demonstrate the process God uses to prepare His saints for His purpose. After David’s initial reaction to the Israelites fear of Goliath, he asked in verse 29, “Is there not a cause?” Foster recognized David’s motivation to take a stand and reminded students they too have a choice: “You’re going to be called to defend the faith,” he said. “If we don’t defend the faith, who will?”
God trained David as a Shepherd, tested him, and taught him to trust in Him. He equipped David with the proper tools he needed to accomplish his mission, and through David’s obedience, He gave the Israelites the courage to gain victory over the Philistines.
In the same way God prepared David, He’s preparing us, Foster said. “The equipment you have been trained with is what God has used to personalize you, to make you, to shape you, to prepare you for where He wants you to be.” Foster emphasized the importance of using proper weapons when we facing the enemy and noted such weapons as: the Word of God, the blood of Jesus, the cross of Christ, and the name above all names – Jesus Christ.
Urging students to stand firm and defend the cause of Christ, Foster encouraged students to take every opportunity to train themselves with the weapons God has given: “There is a cause for us to stand here today and defend the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a reason we are here. And I pray today that with all your heart, and with all your strength, with all your mind, you’ll train, you’ll take the test, and you’ll trust God for what He’s calling you to do.”
Charissa is a senior English major and a student writer for Truett-McConnell.
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