by Nathan Welsh
CLEVELAND, Ga. (TMNews) – Senior Pastor Kevin Hamm, pastor of Gardendale FBC in Gardendale, Ala., addressed the student body with a passionate sermon about the sinful woman who washed Jesus’ feet at Truest-Mcconnell’s weekly chapel service, October 29.
Desperate for Jesus
Reading from Luke 7:37-39, 48, Hamm first explained that the sinful woman “was desperate.”
The woman in this story came to Jesus while he was dining with Simon the Pharisee. Hamm then applied this to the crowd by saying: “There are some of you who feel the same hopelessness in your life. I’m telling you, Jesus can meet you right where you’re at.”
He instructed the students to look at one another and say “get desperate” while also urging the students to “ignore the criticism.”
Referencing back to scripture, Hamm shared how the Pharisee who invited Jesus to his home, judged the sinful woman for washing Jesus’ feet.
“This is a Pharisee. This is someone inside the church, not outside the church. This is somebody very spiritual.” Hamm added: “Sometimes the people inside the church are your greatest critics.”
A heart of worship
Hamm’s message emphasized the importance of worship, beginning with the imperative: “Give Jesus your best worship.”
He continued by stating: “Worship involves your emotions.”
As soon as the sinful woman entered the presence of Jesus, she wept. While Hamm explained that worship is not just about emotions, he desires for believers to be more joyful during worship services. Hamm exclaimed: “Where’s the passion? Where’s the enthusiasm?”
Adding to the command of giving God the best in our worship, Hamm said, “Worship is about giving. Worship is not about you. It’s not about me. It’s about Him.”
Pouring out everything
In this passage, the sinful woman does not ask Jesus for anything. Instead, she gave Jesus two things – her perfume and her hair. Hamm said: “She poured everything she had on the feet of Jesus.”
Hamm pointed out how, as a prostitute, the woman used her perfume to attract her clientele: “She gave away the very thing the enemy was using to keep her entrapped.”
Hamm continued to explain to the congregation how woman used her own hair to wash the dirty feet of Jesus. “She gave away the most precious thing on her body: her hair.”
In closing, Hamm pointed out that Jesus’ response to the sinful woman’s actions was to say to her: “Your sins are forgiven.”
He concluded by saying: “All of us lose our fire a little bit. You know what helps me? You know how I stoke my fire? I think and remember the great price that Jesus paid for me.”
Nathan Welsh is a senior Christian Studies major and a freelance writer for TMC.
Photo/Adam Roark, TMC Design Manager
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