To the Uttermost — 6 weeks overseas
Posted June 26 —
For the past 10 days or so, our leaders and students have been unable to communicate with you because of the delicate and sensitive nature of our purposes among the peoples with whom we have been working and interacting.
All of our students are doing well and are working hard. They will be reaping the harvest for months to come from all the ground they have covered in prayer, the faces they have embedded in their minds, and the memories they will keep in their hearts forever. We are confident that God has used all the students in a very significant way through their conversations and prayers. As you look through the new photographs, please pray for each of our students and the people we have met along the journey. And, when we return, you will hear amazing stories from these students. All of them will be forever changed because of their Capstone 2012 experiences.
We are in airports and on trains for the next couple of days as we travel to Asia on the second leg of our Capstone trip. Once there, we will once again be unable to communicate daily, but we will post news again after about 10 days.
- Edward Pruitt
Posted June 11 —
Team Pruitt prayer walked around the city. We also established relationships with several locals and were able to have significant conversations. The team starts Arabic classes on June 12, which will help us with conversation starters. Please keep Team Pruitt in your prayers because Satan has such a stronghold on this city and its citizens. But keep in mind that our God is mighty to save and has power over Satan. — Ashlyn Williams
Posted June 10 —
From North Africa comes this picture of one of two teams on mission there. Led by Dr. Ed Pruitt and Debi, his wife, the team launches intentional ministry efforts on June 11. Team Pruitt correspondent Ashlyn Williams will send more pictures and updates when possible.
Posted June 7 —
Our Lord’s Great Commission continues to find willing hearts and beautiful feet at Truett-McConnell College. Led by Dr. Ed Pruitt, missions professor and director of TMC’s Wold Missions Center, and Van Sanders, missions professor — 26 students and five staffers will at various times in the next six weeks travel to North Africa, China and Thailand to share the Gospel in a variety of cultural contexts and geographical settings.
The international effort began June 7 as team members departed TMC’s campus.
By occasionally returning to TMC’s home page and clicking the banner that leads to this page, interested parties can track how God uses the team. Note that some ministry locales have limited or no web access, so TMC’s web info is reliant solely upon input from our team. Nonetheless, the homepage banner will note when this page is updated.
Please pray for the team’s protection, and for God to bless the precious seed sown. God’s people are going and sowing. May his kingdom continue growing.
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