TMU is currently accepting Applications for CARES Act Relief Grants. Based on rules set forth by the U.S. Department of Education, students must have been enrolled and attending courses on-campus during the Spring 2020 semester. The Department of Education is no longer requiring students to be eligible for Title IV funds, in order to receive a CARES Act Grant. However, international students and students who were fully online for the Spring 2020 semester, are still excluded from CARES Act Grant eligibility. Additionally, eligible students must have incurred expenses related to COVID-19, and/or the related disruption of on-campus courses during the Spring 2020 semester. COVID-19 related expenses include, but are not limited to, job/income loss, school supply expenses, childcare expenses, living expenses, and related medical expenses.
Grant funds will be equally distributed to all eligible applicants. Each student’s case will be considered independently, based on the information provided in the Application. The CARES Act Relief Grant Application must be submitted before student grant eligibility will be verified. The CARES Act Relief Grant Application deadline is June 10, 2020. Applications will not be accepted after the June 10th deadline. The TMU Financial Aid Office will notify each applicant of his/her funding eligibility, including instructions on receiving eligible funds, shortly following the June 10th deadline.
Students who have already submitted the CARES Act Relief Grant Application do NOT need to submit the application again. We have retained all submitted application information for processing, following the June 10th deadline.
Please know that the TMU Financial Aid Office is working diligently to provide students with the most accurate and up-to-date information, as it becomes available to us from the Department of Education, and other related offices on our campus. If you have any questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at Thank you for your patience!
Director of Financial Aid