Encouragement is a ministry that naturally fits within any setting. Oftentimes, encouragement is needed more than it is given out. The EMBRACE Move Team is a ministry that seeks to uplift TMU students, staff, and faculty through intentional encouragement, fundraising assistance for mission trips, and the facilitation of organic, missional community on campus. Because of the love of Christ that we have experienced, our team seeks to extend that love and compassion to others (1 John 4:19). Here are some ways that you can be an encouragement to those around you!
- Writing kind notes
This encouragement method is simple and easy for anyone to do! Grab a pen and paper and write something uplifting – anything ranging from strengths you see in the person or a joke to make them smile!
- Sit with someone
Sometimes what people need is for someone to simply be present with them. People like to know that they aren’t alone. Encouragement is as easy as sitting and talking, or sitting quietly with someone.
- Share a song
Do you have a song that you like to listen to when you’re down? Or one you just really enjoying dancing to? Send it to a friend! Chances are, they’ll enjoy it just as much as you!
- Pray for them
Prayer is a ministry that anyone can do, and it doesn’t have to be in public. You can be in prayer for someone without even telling them. Jesus hears us when we pray, and He intercedes to the Father on our behalf.
- Be a tutor
Everyone has subjects in school they struggle in more than others. You can be an encouragement to your peers by sharing your knowledge with or tutoring them.
- Go for a drive
Sometimes you simply need to take a break from school. Going for a drive is a good stress reliever! Grab some friends and take a drive while listening to your favorite jams.
- Open your home
Allow your room or apartment to be a safe space for those who need it! Be welcoming and kind, and maybe even share your snacks with others!
- Choose to serve
One amazing way that you can encourage those around you is to serve them. Open doors for others, take their plates to the dirty dish line in the cafeteria, or help them carry things to their room! By serving others, you show them how much you love and care for them!
- Send scripture
God’s Word is the most powerful and precious thing that we have. His Word pierces us like nothing else can. Ultimately, only God can heal us, and His Word is one way through which He does so. Here are some verses you can share to encourage others:
Depression: Psalm 40, Psalm 42, Psalm 46
Anxiety: Isaiah 26:3-4, Matthew 6:25-34, Phil. 4:6-8, 1 Peter 5:6-7
Comparison: John 3:30, John 21:18-25, Gal. 2:20
Being an encouragement is easier than you might think! Take some time today and choose to show those around you some kindness!
Sydney Beach is a junior global studies major with a minor in music.
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