Fall Semester 2020 Update
The administration and staff of Truett McConnell University (TMU), in keeping with Governor Kemp’s Statewide Executive Order: Guidelines for Businesses, are prayerfully considering modifications to be made for fall semester to assure the health of our students, employees, and visitors to TMU.
While this is a fluid situation, we wanted to provide you an update to our May 2020 announcement regarding Fall Semester.
Move In Days and New Student Orientation
Move In Day for new students is traditionally held in one day. In order to provide a safer and more pleasant experience, students will have the opportunity to select a move in time over the course of several days as long as they have been cleared by the required campus offices.
Spaces are limited, so it is required that students receive clearance for move in from the following offices before arriving on campus for move in: Financial Aid, Registrar’s Office, Business Office, and Student Services.
New student Move-In Days are August 7-8. Returning student Move-In Days are August 9-11. Students will receive an email with more details in the following days.
Academic Calendar
On campus classes will begin as scheduled on Wednesday, August 12.
The academic calendar has been adjusted to allow students to complete the semester, including final exams, before Thanksgiving break. In order to do so, the traditional fall break has been cancelled.
Mission Trips
All TMU sponsored mission trips scheduled during fall semester through the end of 2020 will be rescheduled.
Enhanced Protocols
Several protective measures will be in place early in the semester, including:
- TMU has purchased contactless thermometers, and staff will conduct regular temperature screenings. Temperature checks will also be available on campus on an as-needed basis. Details to come.
- Increased hand sanitizer stations throughout campus.
- Masks are strongly encouraged and will be available for purchase (at cost) through The Outpost, which is the campus store located in the Nix Student Center.
It is important that employees, students, and visitors to campus self-monitor and avoid coming to campus if signs of an infectious disease are present.
We will continue to monitor all applicable federal and state guidelines moving forward, so please be sure to check your email and truett.edu for updates to fall semester. We look forward to serving you this fall!
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