President’s Chapel

Truett McConnell University 100 Alumni Drive , Cleveland, GA, United States

Dr. Emir Caner President, Truett McConnell University Cleveland, GA

Radical Reformation Chapel

Truett McConnell University 100 Alumni Drive , Cleveland, GA, United States

Dr. Jason Graffagnino VP for Finance & Operations Truett McConnell University Cleveland, GA

Newman Lectures

Truett McConnell University 100 Alumni Drive , Cleveland, GA, United States

Dr. Samuel Thomas President, Hopegivers International Columbus, GA

Chapel: Al Tennyson

Truett McConnell University 100 Alumni Drive , Cleveland, GA, United States

Al Tennyson Founder and President Awaken International Min. Atlanta, GA

Chapel: Dr. Mitch Johnson

Truett McConnell University 100 Alumni Drive , Cleveland, GA, United States

Dr. Mitch Johnson Teaching Pastor The Pointe Church Pensacola, FL

Chapel: Dr. Josh Saefkow

Truett McConnell University 100 Alumni Drive , Cleveland, GA, United States

Dr. Josh Saefkow Senior Pastor Flat Creek Baptist Church Fayetteville, GA

Chapel: Mark Price

Truett McConnell University 100 Alumni Drive , Cleveland, GA, United States

Mark Price Former NBA Player & Four Time All Star Cleveland Cavaliers

Chapel: Stephen Peeples

Truett McConnell University 100 Alumni Drive , Cleveland, GA, United States

Stephen Peeples Senior Pastor, Roopville Road Baptist Church Roopville, GA

Food Trucks

Truett McConnell University 100 Alumni Drive , Cleveland, GA, United States

A selection of local food trucks will be on the campus of TMU, near the front lawn, offering a variety of meals, desserts, and other food options for a fee.