The Bachelor of Science in Psychology is a biblically-centered program that focuses on educating students in the principles of theology, philosophy and psychology in order to prepare students to enter the helping fields (i.e. professional counseling, social work, law and medicine).

Truett McConnell’s academic program is unique in the approach of grounding students in the truth of the Bible while introducing them to various philosophies and theories guiding the research and practice of psychology. Students will be exposed to challenging courses and invaluable internships.

The program in psychology seeks to serve the mission of the university by actively engaging students in a course of study that will ground them in Scripture, equip them with an understanding of the discipline, and enable them to use their knowledge for greater impact in the world. Graduates of the psychology program will be grounded in a Christian worldview so that they might exemplify the commandment of Christ to love God and love others by building up and encouraging others in their future psychology-related careers and ministries. Graduates of Truett McConnell University’s Psychology program will be able to think critically to integrate their foundation in Christian theology with principles discussed in their courses to “admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.” (1 Thess. 5:14)