The Bachelor of Arts in History provides an examination of the record of God’s relationship with man and the eternal relevance of God’s work and His Word through the ages.

When applying a biblical worldview to the study of the historical narrative, you will not only learn about the stories and ideas of great men and women and the rise and fall of civilizations, but you will also be taught critical thinking skills and research methods, all with an emphasis on strengthening writing proficiency.

Moreover, this major field of study will incorporate the Great Books and their authors in each course so that you will be conversant with those individuals and ideas that have shaped the course of human events. Biographies of Great Men and Women will be featured including that of Martin Luther, Pilgram Marpeck, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Margaret Thatcher, Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Graduates of the program will be prepared for employment in the areas of teaching, government service or public history. They will also have earned a degree that prepares them well for graduate study in history, political science, public administration, library science or law.