The Office of Special Support Services provides prospective students, enrolled students, and employees with information regarding TMU’s policies for reasonable accommodations. TMU complies with federal and state laws in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disability Act of 1990.
How to Disclose a Disability
A student who wishes to disclose any disability must first complete a Disclosure of Disability Form. This form should be completed and signed by the student. All forms will be directly submitted to the Special Support Services Office ( Any form that is not entirely completed will not be processed.
Required Documentation
Any student requiring accommodations must submit the required documentation.
Required documentation (see below) should be mailed, emailed or delivered to:
Mail: Special Support Services Email:
Truett McConnell University
100 Alumni Drive Cleveland, Georgia 30528
Location: Miller Hall, 3rd floor, Offices 304 – Nell Hoyle and 305 – Judy Gillentine
Learning Disabilities
Required documentation for learning disabilities includes an Educational or Psychological Assessment that has been completed within the last three years. A doctorate-level licensed psychologist must sign this assessment and state precise required accommodations. Please note that IEPs are not acceptable documentation for colleges and universities unless the IEP contains the above documentation. Therefore, all dual-enrolled students must adhere to the same requirements.
Students that are disclosing ADD/ADHD may follow the same requirements as learning disabilities (above). An alternative method for ADD/ADHD students is to obtain a letter from their treating physician. The letter must be on the physician’s letterhead; dated within the last 3 years; including a statement regarding how the diagnosis was obtained, with precise accommodations listed (extended testing time must state the amount of extra time); and signed by a physician. Again, the document must be mailed to Special Support Services at the address above.
Next Steps
Upon receipt of a student’s Disclosure of Disability Form and required documentation, the student will be contacted by Special Support Services to schedule an appointment. Special Support Services will contact online students regarding the time extensions once all documentation is received. Students should check their TMU email on a consistent basis to obtain the documentation to provide to their professors.
Please be aware that accommodations are not retroactive. Please contact us at or 706-878-0787 if you require additional information.
Policies and Procedures
- Special Support Services Policies and Procedures
- Emotional Support Animal Policy
- Service Animal Policy
Truett McConnell University adheres to the following policies and procedures when addressing denial of or dissatisfaction with accommodations and/or services provided by the Office of Special Support Services:
TMU is under no obligation to provide reasonable accommodations unless an individual identifies him/herself as having a disability and provides the necessary documentation. The Director of Special Support Services approves or disapproves all accommodations requested and the documentation presented by the student or employee. TMU reserves the right to request additional medical or disability information if the current information is not valid or is insufficient. All information relevant to a disability issue is considered confidential. Records related to student and employee disabilities are maintained in a locked fireproof cabinet in a secure, non-public area.
How to File a Grievance
- Any prospective or enrolled student who is dissatisfied with any policy, procedure or service must write a letter of grievance stating the offense and address it to the Director of Special Support Services.
- The Director of Special Support Services will review and determine the appropriate course of action, and a response will be mailed.
- If this response is not satisfactory, a grievance may be filed with the Vice President for Finance & Operations.