by Norm Miller
The motto and motivation guiding the “Whatever is True” capital campaign for Truett-McConnell College’s George Blaurock Student Recreation Center is to “connect God’s stewards with God’s resources to enlarge God’s kingdom through investing in our students, faculty, staff, and facilities.”
All God’s children are stewards. There is but one owner, our Creator God, who fashioned the fullness of the universe and placed his children in dominion over the Earth and all it holds. Biblically speaking, therefore, God’s children are not owners, but are managers, administrators and guardians of all that God has created.
From Creation to our Lord’s parable of the stewards, and even to this day, God’s plan of stewardship is both timeless and universal.
Stewardship takes many forms. Parents are stewards of the children God gives them. Likewise, Truett-McConnell College has a stewardship role regarding students. The Bible states that children are a heritage from the Lord. And students entering the halls of academia continue to be gifts from God, a kingdom resource entrusted to this college, where stewardship of a Christian worldview underscores students’ education.
True, today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. But at Truett-McConnell College, some students already are some of God’s choicest servant-leaders on our campus, in our local community, and on mission fields around the world. And you, as a steward of God’s resources, may reflect a continuing commitment to advance his kingdom by connecting with the students God is preparing for career mission and ministry.
Dr. Caner often says, “If we are going to reach this generation, then we must teach this generation.” The SRC epitomizes the sequence of reaching and teaching as a resource that God will use to help draw prospective students under the sway of a college that sees them as God does – priceless kingdom resources – and will train them from a curriculum that views their education through the lens of the Bible.
All of us are stewards in the task to reach and teach others, a mission that reflects the very heart of God. And the proposed George Blaurock Student Recreation Center provides God’s stewards a connection to his students, prized resources, and ultimately through such students, to a world that needs to hear the saving message of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
To learn more about how you can connect with what God is doing, and what he wants to do on Truett-McConnell’s campus, visit the “Whatever is True” website.
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