Eric Robbins, a 2013 Felix Manz School of Music graduate, learned considerably both during and after his time at Truett McConnell University (then College) as he planned now to start his own business.
Robbins, who earned his Bachelor of Arts in Music degree, says he attained his dream job as Associate Production Director at Ingleside Baptist Church in Macon, GA, soon after graduation. After working there for five and a half years, he launched his own filmmaking company, Eric Robbins Media, earlier this year. While Robbins still believes he is called to lead worship, looking back on experiences and ahead to the future, he plans on providing these skills in a volunteer capacity rather than vocationally.
Recently, Robbins met up with fellow alumni along with Dr. Emir Caner, President of TMU and Dr. Jason Graffagnino, Vice President for Finance and Operations. The alumni reminisced on their time at Truett McConnell which reminded Robbins of how his alma mater helped him land his dream job. “The foundation of faith at Truett was very helpful to get me through some turbulent times spiritually during my college years. It could have been a time of falling away, but instead became a time of growth and reaffirmation of my faith.”
“I couldn’t have gotten that job without my degree,” he said. “I also wouldn’t have been able to speak the language of music because I started from scratch with having had no former training.”
Behind the camera
Since beginning Eric Robbins Media, the filmmaker gets to work from home, travel occasionally, and pursue his passion of filmmaking while working with others who inspire him to be creative. “In ways that I still don’t fully grasp, [Truett McConnell] helped shape the direction of my life.”
Robbins said he used YouTube as a source to make creative video content of everything that happened while at TMU. Explaining the video channel “was more or less the skill that got me the job at that church, and eventually led me to what I do professionally now.”
Though he is no longer in full-time ministry occupationally, his mission is still to be an active witness for Christ in the midst of his career as a filmmaker. “I’ll never know the variables of what might have been,” said Robbins, “but I’m grateful for what was, and how it prepared me by showing me the opportunities brought about by hard work, a supportive network, and the Lord’s blessing.”
Maggie Reeves is the Content Assistant for the Marketing and Communications Department.
photo/Joel Henson
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