Truett-McConnell president Dr. Emir Caner introduced the speaker, Dr. James G. Merritt, pastor of Cross Pointe Church in Duluth, GA. Dr. Merritt’s wife, Teresa, is a graduate of Truett-McConnell College, and he was instrumental in having one of the first crosses placed on top of the hill on the Truett-McConnell campus. (For story concerning the tradition of TMC’s cross on the hill, see Once Upon a Hill.)
Dr. Merritt took his text from Ecclesiastes 1. He introduced his topic by describing the author of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon, as the wealthiest, most popular, most powerful man of his time. The conclusion that Solomon drew is that all that had and had experienced is worthless: Everything is nothing when everything is all there is.
The speaker made three major points from the Scripture text:
- Apart from God, there is no point to life.
- Apart from God, there is no profit in life.
- Apart from God, there is no purpose in life.
He concluded his sermon with a quote from Augustine many centuries ago: “He who has God has everything; he who does not have God has nothing; he who has God and everything has no more than he who has God alone.”
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